Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 1/30/2020 - 6:30 PM
Category: Report of the Committee on Strategic Planning and Budget
Type: Action
Subject: 1. Report with Possible Action Regarding Possible Referendum Funding Allocation
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1
Academic Achievement
Goal 2
Student, Family and Community Engagement
Goal 3
Effective and Efficient Operations
Policy: Admin Policy 3.01 - Annual Operating Budget
Attachments Copy of Referendum Ballot Question
Staff Resource Summary by School
Excerpt Survey Summary Report
Estimated Costing Analysis
File Attachment:
Copy of Referendum Ballot Question.pdf
Staff Resource Summary by School.pdf
Excerpt Survey Summary Report.pdf
Estimated Costing Analysis.pdf
Background: At the December 12, 2019, meeting of the Committee on Strategic Planning & Budget, based on the report of the Community Task Force, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors requested an outline of possible referendum-funding allocation. The allocation should benefit all students, while priority is to be given to those schools and students who have the most needs. Considerations will take into account the results and recommendations of the Schools our Children Deserve MPS survey, feedback sessions, public testimony, the report of the Community Task Force, and MPS’s commitment to equity.

Eight priorities were identified through the survey and feedback sessions and were outlined in the report of the Community Task Force. These eight priorities will increase equity and excellence in our schools and promote positive educational and social-emotional outcomes for our community’s children. The priorities are the following:

• High-quality early childhood education
• Facilities maintenance and safety improvements
• Attracting and retaining certified educators
• Professional support staff
• Meeting educational standards for programming in library services, art, music, and physical education
• Expanding access to advanced educational programming opportunities
• Comprehensive career and technical education
• Class sizes

The attachments, including a copy of the approved ballot question, the current staffing resource summary, an excerpt of the polling survey summary report, and an estimated costing analysis to support the identified priorities are provided to guide the discussion.
Fiscal Impact Statement: N/A
Implementation and Assessment Plan
Recommendation: Your Committee reports having received the foregoing report from the Administration. Although this item has been noticed for possible action, no action is required.

Your Committee further reports that it has directed the Administration to review suggestions made by school board members and the public at your Committee's meeting of January 7 and to bring to your Committee's meeting on January 23 a set of options for how the first year’s revenue from a successful referendum might be allocated, the options to include:

1) funding possibilities for the following seven areas addressed by the Community Task Force through an equity lens:
a) attracting and retaining certified educators
b) mental and physical health support staff (counselors, psychologists, nurses, etc.)
c) art, music, physical education teachers, and library/media specialists
d) early childhood education
e) career and technical educations programs
f) advanced academics, including bilingualism and multiculturalism
g) reduction in class size;

2) for each of the seven areas, a range of specific programming/staffing suggestions with accompanying costs (e.g., this could include pilot programs, partial funding for a multi-year plan to reach certain goals, or a range of the number of staff whom MPS would hope to hire in certain areas, given the uncertainty of how many prospective staff might apply for such positions.);

3) any potential unintended costs (e.g., additional classroom space for additional teachers).
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jacqueline M. Mann, Ph.D. - Board Clerk/Chief Officer