Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 7/27/2017 - 6:30 PM
Category: Regular Items of Business
Type: Action
Subject: 19. Action on a Request to Approve an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement Between MPS and Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services for implementation of the Juvenile Education Treatment Initiative program.
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1
Academic Achievement
Policy: Admin Policy 8.28 - Student Discipline
Attachments Cooperation Agreement
File Attachment:
Cooperation Agreement.pdf
Background: In September 2016, the Board considered Resolution 1516R-009 to recreate the TIE Center. At that time, the Board directed the Administration to review Resolution 0809R-043, which had resulted in the creation of the Transition Intervention Center (TIE.)

The review identified students who are in need of such services as described in the resolutions. The district then reached out to potential partners, who were already serving many of the students requiring such services. As a result, the Administration recommended approval of an intergovernmental agreement with the Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Delinquency and Court Services Division (DCSD) for implementation of the Juvenile Education Treatment Initiative (JETI) program.

The proposed JETI pilot program was designed to reduce the probability of re-offense by addressing criminogenic needs and increasing protective factors. The JETI program provides youth who might otherwise be placed in residential treatment facilities or secured-care institutions, suspended, or expelled with a full-range of treatment, academic instruction, and community-based services while living at home and remaining at their schools of origin. The data reviewed indicated the need to house the pilot program at James Madison High School. On February 23, 2017, the Board approved the Initial Cooperative Agreement between Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) and DHHS/DCSD for implementation of the JETI program.

Upon review and discussion of the initial Program, the Administration and DHHS/DCSD have agreed that there remains a continued need for the services provided under the JETI program and the Administration recommends an extension of the intergovernmental cooperation agreement with DHHS and DCSD for implementation of the JETI program for an additional year with an expansion of the Program to include one (1) additional school site.

In May, June and July 2017, representatives from DHSS/DCSD and the MPS Administration, in collaboration with the Office of the City Attorney, drafted a revised Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between MPS and DHHS/DCSD for implementation of the JETI program. Contingent upon the Milwaukee Board of School Directors’ approval, DHHS/DCSD accepts the attached, Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between MPS and DHHS/DCSD for implementation of the JETI program, with the following modifications:

1) The Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement has been updated to provide services at two (2) MPS locations as follows:

•James Madison Academic Campus, 8135 W. Florist Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53218; and

•Lynde and Harry Bradley Technology School, 700 S. 4th Street, Milwaukee, WI, 53204.

2) The Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement has been updated to provide for services for up to 20 students across two (2) sites.

3) The Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement has been updated to provide sample schedules that seek to ensure that students served are able to attend regular classes as much as possible.

4) The term of the agreement has been updated to reflect a term of 1 year commencing August 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018.
Fiscal Impact Statement: This item does not authorize expenditures. As part of the Intergovernmental Agreement with the County, MPS will provide two (2) 15-hour-per-week Limited Term Employment (LTE) to provide instructional support to students. Funds are included in the FY17 budget.
Implementation and Assessment Plan Students will receive a three-hour behavioral treatment program that includes instructional support, skill-building, and therapy. To ensure that students remain connected with their course work, their weekly schedule will allow a return to their regular classrooms with support from the clinician, case manager, and tutor provided through DHHS/DCSD. An MPS funded LTE will serve as the liaison between JETI and the classroom teachers by coordinating with the classroom teacher to get daily assignments and provide content area instructional support while the students are in the JETI setting.

The JETI behavioral treatment program will be assessed by using student attendance, behavior referrals, suspensions, and academic success.
Recommendation: The Administration recommends that the Board approve the attached Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Between Milwaukee Public Schools and Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services and Delinquency and Court Services Division for implementation of the Juvenile Education Treatment Initiative Program.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Matthew Boswell - Senior Director
Signed By:
Keith Posley - Chief
Signed By:
Dr. Darienne Driver - Superintendent