Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 9/28/2017 - 6:30 PM
Category: Awards and Commendations
Type: Info
Subject: 1. Excellence in Education Award - Dr. Lee R. McMurrin (Posthumous)
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 2
Student, Family and Community Engagement
Policy: Admin Policy 1.05 - Recognition for Accomplishment
File Attachment:
Background: Each month, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors recognizes an outstanding school, student, staff member, parent, or community member for a display of excellence, achievement, and innovation that may serve as an example to our school district and the entire Milwaukee community.

This month, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors is pleased to posthumously present the “Excellence in Education Award” in honor of Dr. Lee R. McMurrin.

Dr. Lee McMurrin led Milwaukee Public Schools from 1975 to 1987. He came to Milwaukee in 1975 from the deputy superintendent’s job in Toledo, Ohio. In 1976, Federal Judge John Reynolds handed down his order to desegregate the school system--a decision that would dramatically change the student-assignment process and the educational opportunities available in MPS. It was a turbulent period, but Dr. McMurrin’s goal was to desegregate the schools voluntarily. He continuously worked toward solutions, developing creative ideas to integrate peacefully so that children would not be caught up in the prejudices and discriminatory behavior of adults.

Throughout the next 12 years, Dr. McMurrin presided over the development of more than 40 specialty schools and programs at all grade levels, including language-immersion schools, creative arts programs, schools for the gifted and talented, and a transportation specialty, all on a city-wide basis and all designed to enhance desegregation on a volunteer and choice basis, and fully met the requirements of the court and the Board.

Dr. McMurrin also worked to improve the regular schools through school-effectiveness programs and special efforts such as Project RISE (P5) and Project CARE (Concentrated Approaches Reaching Excellence), all of which were, and are, dependent on the extended involvement of staff members in the individual schools. Three new high schools and several new elementary schools, as well as substantial additions and internal modifications to other school buildings, were completed during his tenure.

During the same period of time, a human-relations program for students and staff was established, and an extensive staff-integration program was implemented, which resulted in affirmative action unequaled in size or scope in either the private or public sectors in this state.

In addition to North Central accreditation of all of Milwaukee's public schools, many national awards came to the school district during this timeframe, including five schools in the President’s Schools of Excellence recognition program, the U.S. Department of Justice's safe schools award. Dr. McMurrin himself was personally recognized through his election to the presidency of the Council of the Great City Schools and his selection in successive years as one of America’s 100 outstanding educators.

After he left Milwaukee in 1987, McMurrin served as superintendent in suburban Cleveland school districts for eight years. And after retiring, he spent several years helping his brother establish a mission board to support a music ministry in the Ukraine.

The Milwaukee Board of School Directors recognizes and honors Dr. Lee McMurrin posthumously for his dedication, outstanding leadership, and commitment to excellence on behalf of the students of the Milwaukee Public Schools.

This evening, as part of recognizing the legacy of Dr. McMurrin, Mayor Tom Barrett will be presenting a Mayor’s Proclamation to the McMurrin family.
Fiscal Impact Statement:
Implementation and Assessment Plan
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Darienne Driver - Superintendent