Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 9/21/2017 - 5:30 PM
Type: Info
Subject: 1. 2017-18 Fall Budget and Staffing Adjustments Overview
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1
Academic Achievement
Goal 2
Student, Family and Community Engagement
Goal 3
Effective and Efficient Operations
Policy: Admin Policy 3.01 - Annual Operating Budget
File Attachment:
Background: Budgeting is the process of setting financial and enrollment goals, forecasting future financial resources and needs, monitoring and controlling income and expenditures, and evaluating progress toward achieving the district’s goals. Detailed budget planning allows MPS to maximize instructional opportunities for children while ensuring prudent use of resources.

The annual budget not only serves as a financial and operations plan for the immediate ensuing fiscal period, but also serves broader management and information purposes. The district-wide budget-development process is a multi-year collaborative process involving many stakeholders, including students, school engagement councils (SECs), families, school leaders, learning teams, Central Services personnel and chiefs of every office, task forces, community stakeholders, the Superintendent, and the Milwaukee Board of School Directors.

In the fall, the Administration works with school communities and MPS stakeholders to make any programmatic and budget changes necessitated by changes in revenue, in enrollment, and in revenue assumptions, and other developments.

In light of estimated revenue changes, the Administration is seeking input from the public and the Milwaukee Board of School Directors prior to the October budget-adjustment process.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Currently, the district is waiting for both a state and federal budget to be approved. Anticipated revenue is not keeping pace with inflation, leaving the district with limited ability to cover increased costs and to meet the MPS mission.

Meeting the mission is challenging within an environment of stagnant revenues, growing educational options, increased need for quality programming aimed at serving Milwaukee’s diverse student population and a desire to regain public confidence that the school district can provide students with a quality education.

Challenges impacting resource choices include: enrollment variances; increase in utilization of health care and high claims costs; employee compensation; health and welfare/legacy costs; building operations and maintenance of district standard of care expectations; academic and instructional support; and per-pupil increases below the Consumer Price Index.

Following a thorough review of data and potential options, the Administration has identified the need to reduce planned expenditures based on updated revenue assumptions and increased health care costs and utilization.

This item seeks input on potential budget changes coming before the Board in October and does not authorize expenditures or changes at this time.
Implementation and Assessment Plan The district's fall enrollment count will be taken on Friday, September 15, 2017, and submitted to the Department of Public Instruction(DPI) on Friday, September 29, 2017. Data from the enrollment report will be used by DPI to determine state aid and local revenue limits, which will be released in mid-October.

The Administration will prepare the 2017-18 amended adopted budget request that reflects the priorities and parameters set by the Board.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Shannon Gordon - Senior Director
Signed By:
Dr. Darienne Driver - Superintendent